Cults and World Religions
More on New Age
New Age In A Nutshell
New Age beliefs are not much different from many we have encountered over the past several weeks. The difference, perhaps, is that the umbrella of New Age is able to protect so many different groups.
- God is an impersonal force which is both good and evil. God is all.
- The universe (reality) is one undifferentiated whole.
- Jesus is a man who took on the Christ office and demonstrates God in man. Many New Agers will accept the concept that Jesus died and was reincarnated, but not resurrected.
- Man is God. Man is basically good and basically spirit. The body is reincarnated until one’s works (“karma”) are sufficient to make man a god.
- Salvation is the transformation of consciousness.
- All roads lead to God (pluralism).
- The Bible is just another in a long series of religious good books. Revelation is a hindrance to spiritual growth.
- Eschatology is man giving birth to a New Age