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Old Testament Survey

1 and 2 Kings in Contrast

There is a decided contrast between the beginning and end of these two books. It is the story of a fall into bondage based upon a life of sin. 4.

A Comparison of 1 and 2 Kings
1 Kings 2 Kings
Begins with King David Ends with the king in Babylon
Opens with Solomon’s glory closes with Jehoiachin’s shame
Begins with the blessings of obedience Ends with the curse of disobedience
Opens with the building of the Temple Closes with the burning of the Temple
Traces the progress of apostasy Describes the consequences of apostasy
Shows how kings failed to rule God’s people Depicts the consequences of that failure
Introduces the prophet Elijah Introduces the prophet Elisha
Emphasizes the patience of the Lord Confirms the Lord’s sure punishment of sin

God Works In and Through History

There has not been a single archaeological discovery which disproves any part of the Bible. Any arguments of archaeology which are used to argue against Scripture are arguments from silence.

The Bible is not a book set in a vacuum or in a fairy tale land or myth. It is a book about real people set in a real time and place in history. Much of the modern debate over the Scriptures is a denial of the historical accuracy of the Bible. Yet, over the years, discoveries prove, rather than disprove the events of Scripture. Consider the following list of kings which are known by the secular historians to have ruled. Note as well, the accuracy of the biblical references to them.

Foreign Powers Mentioned in the Books of Kings

Foreign Powers in Kings
Nation/King Biblical Reference
An unnamed Pharaoh
1 Kings 3:1
Shishak [945-924]  
So or Osorkon [726-715]  
Necho [609-594]  
Aramaeans (Syrians)  
Rexon [940-915] 1 Kings 11:23-25
Tabrimmon [915-900] 1 Kings 15:18
Ben-Hadad I [900-960] 1 Kings 15:18, 20
Ben-Hadad II [860-841] 1 Kings 20;
Hazael [841-806] 2 Kings 8:15
Ben-Hadad III [806-770] 2 Kings 13:3
Rezin [750-732] 2 Kings 15:37
Ethbaal [874-853]
1 Kings 16:31
Hadad [?]
1 Kings 11:14-22
Moabites Mesha [853-841] 2 Kings 3:4ff
Tiglath-Pileser III [745-727] 2 Kings 15:19-22; 2 Kings 17:3-6
Shalmaneser V [727-722] Isaiah 20:1; 2 Kings 18:17
Sargon II [721-705] 2 Kings 18--19
Sennarcherib [704-681] 2 Kings 20:12-13
Merodach-Baladan II [703] 2 Kings 24--25
Nebuchadnezzar [604-562] 2 Kings 25:27-30
Evil-Merodach [562-560]  

God’s Word is not a history book or a science book or a medical book, but when the Bible speaks of such things it does so with the truth of God, a truth that is 100% accurate!

Isn’t there a lesson here? When Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6), we had best listen, for this is the 100% accurate Word of God!

Have you listened?

4. Charles C. Ryrie, Ryrie Study Bible, Expanded Edition, Chicago: Moody, New American Standard 1995 Update, 1986, 1995, 577.




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