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Jude Ministries Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes the privacy and data handling practices of Jude Ministries ( website.

Jude Ministries is a Bible believing, Gospel preaching and teaching website dedicated to promoting the faith of Jesus Christ and attempting to inform all Christians everwhere of the need to learn Bible doctrine so that they are equipped to contend for this faith.

What Information We Collect/How We Use It

We store and use the information you give us in accordance with the terms of this Policy. Our registration form requests that you provide certain contact and profile information (like your name and e-mail address). This information is used solely to register you for the Blog.  Such information is stored in a database.  There is no public use of this data, except for the existence of a user's screen name on Blog comments.  Such comments cannot be posted without registering, however, you are not required to register to read the comments, so that posting of a comment is an affirmative action on the users behalf and is approval of this collection and use policy.

No information is collected for the main website, except that those voting in the periodic poll will have the general information of the location of their IP address kept in the database to prevent a user from voting more than once.  If a user does not vote, no information, other than general fully available non-personal data is collected.  Such general data is only retained in a cumulative sense, such as how many persons have visited a given page.

You may elect to withhold any or all of the requested information.  In such case, you will not be able to use the online registration system.  This means you cannot post a comment on the Blog nor vote in the periodic polls.  All other functions of the website are available.

The website does not receive nor does the website use any information about you from outside sources and add it to your this event registration system.

NO Right to Sell/License Data: will not under any circumstances sell and/or license or distribute the personal information that you provide to any other party.

Cookies: may use cookies with regard to tracking Blog users and voters in the periodic poll. If you elect not to persist your user information you will have to enter your User Name and Password each time you visit the registration system.  During your visit, your movements within the registration system are "tracked" by a sessionID, a unique number for each visit that identifies you then being validly present within the registration system and allowing you to visit those pages dealing with the registration system.  Once you "log off" the system, or if you leave without loggin off, after approximately twenty (20) minutes, your session will automatically terminate.  Upon such termination, your unique sessionID number is destroyed that there is no retained record of your visit, unless you have registered for an event or requested additional information. 

Neither cookies nor sessonID, nor any other method of tracking you, are used on any part of the site to gather any personal information.


The only other information gathered is the voluntary information you place in your request to be placed on the registration system.   This information is private to and is not sold or shared with anyone.

The official W3C Policy statement may be found here >>.


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