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God's Existence

Jesus is God!

Matthew 27:11
Now Jesus stood before the governor. And the governor asked Him, saying, "Are You the King of the Jews?" So Jesus said to him, "It is as you say."

There is one other point of importance in the Christian religion. Jesus is God. Jesus possess the same attributes listed for God. If Jesus possesses all of these attributes, than He is God. There is no other option.

This is the uniqueness of Christianity. God Himself came to earth to help us find a path back into fellowship with Him. He did not have to do this. He did it out of love for all of us.

The proof of Jesus' being God is too complex for a single WEB page. It is based upon a careful comparison of the attributes of God the Father, with the discovery that Jesus possess the same attributes. Since the Bible clearly teaches that God is one, Jesus and God must be the same. This is the mystery of the Trinity, the single existing essence of God which manifests itself to us in three different Persons.

Even His name points to His functions as the God-man in relation to our salvation.



Jesus is described in Scripture as the Second Adam. Consider the importance of this description.

And, while you are at it, consider the facts about Christ and see why the Christian followers know that JESUS IS GOD!




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