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The State of Faith
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The State of Faith
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The State of Faith
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The State of Faith
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The State of Faith
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Renewing Your Mind


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Grace is the Key

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

So, then, what is the relationship between law and grace? Dispensationalists speak of the dispensation of the law and the dispensation of grace. When viewed from the standards of teaching, the period of Moses is a period where law plays a major role.  Likewise, with the coming of Jesus, grace fills the pages of Scripture and takes on the major position. But, the two are not truly different dispensations, for we have seen that salvation is always by grace. What we must realize is that grace is the path to eternal life. If we follow the law all of our lives, we are only moving down the path of eternal condemnation.

If grace is the path of eternal life, one should burn to follow this path. If you do not understand how to start down this the path, see these pages. But, if you are following the path to eternal life, how are you living? Where is the grace in your life?

If grace is the character of God, and if we are to become like Christ, then we must learn to display grace in our daily lives. The lessons of the law remain. We cannot get to heaven by works. We, likewise, cannot grow by works. Grace is still the basis of our daily walk. 

This is the key most Christians fail to comprehend. They see grace as the basis for the offering of Christ on the Cross to open the door back to God and salvation. But, as we have discussed, salvation is not just “being saved.” Salvation includes all of the aspects of a Christian’s life from the day of conversion to the day of death. The entire process we call sanctification is dependant upon God’s grace. It is God’s grace that empowers us. It is God’s grace that keeps us alive. It is God’s grace that opens the doors of ministry in front of our eyes. We are completely dependant upon God’s grace. 




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