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The Apostles

Luke 6:13
And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles

We know much about Paul through Luke’s account in Acts and via the information conveyed in the Apostle’s letters. We know something of the other Apostles, but not much. Peter and John have left letters behind, but these contain little personal information. What happened to the other Apostles? Did they spread the Gospel? How did they act? Did they not live up to God’s desires for them, thus, we have little history?

The general answer is that each of the eleven Apostles plus Matthias, Paul, James and Jude the brothers of Jesus, and many others spread the Gospel message far and wide. Each played his appointed role in the preaching of the Gospel message to the world. There are a variety of traditions concerning this group. In many places the traditions are consistent, while in many cases there are a wide variety of choices. One list looks something like this.

All of the apostles were insulted by the enemies of their Master. They were called to seal their doctrines with their blood and nobly did they bear the trial.

Such was the fate of the apostles, according to traditional statements.




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