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About Doctrines


One of the major issues amongst some denominations in this day and age is the question of modern day apostles. In general, the following comments may prove helpful.

It should be noted that the New Testament names others than the original 12 as Apostles. Matthias (Acts 1:23-26), Paul, and James (1 Cor 15:7), are all called Apostles in that special sense that Paul uses in these opening verses of Romans. An Apostle was one who witnessed the Risen Christ and was commissioned personally by Jesus to go forth on a special mission. With the death of John the Apostle around AD 95-100, the age of the Apostle came to a close. On the other hand, there are others "sent" by God on special missions. In a secondary sense, these are apostles. A biblical example is Barnabas (Acts 14:14). With this understanding, we still have apostles in the church today.

There are two biblical qualifications for an Apostle:

Most of these references allow for Paul to be considered one of the Apostles. They also probably allow for James, the brother of Jesus and author of the Epistle James, to be an Apostle. They are silent on the status of Jude, another of Jesus' brothers and author of the Epistle bearing his name. There is little room for any others. In addition, there are three other traits that could be added to the list of qualifications.

Modern man wants to be an apostle and continue adding to God's Word. It is true that others in the Scriptures are called apostles. The Greek word translated "apostle" means a messenger or one sent with a special message. Some translations use "messenger" instead of God, either where the context seems to imply this lesser idea or for almost all translations of the word.

By viewing the person as sent from God, man is able to continually have visions and "words from God." While the Holy Spirit will illuminate the Bible to us as a source of wisdom, God's Word is closed. There are no new revelations from God. There are no modern day Apostles!




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