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New Testament Survey

A Harmony of Christ&s Life

A Harmony of the Gospels
Event Matthew Mark Luke John
Preview of Christ 1:1   1:1-4 1:1-13
Genealogy of Christ 1:2-17   3:23-28  
Birth of John the Baptist     1:5-25  
Birth of Christ 1:18-25   1:26-38 1:14-18
Christ&s youth 2:1-23   2:40-52  
John Baptist&s ministry 3:1-12 1:1-8 3:1-18 1:19-28
Baptism of Christ 3:13-17 1:9-11 3:21-22  
Christ&s temptation 4:1-11 1:12-13 4:1-13  
Early Ministry        
First Disciples       1:29-51
Galilean Ministry 4:12-17     2:1-12
  4:23-25     4:43-45
Judean Ministry       2:13-3:36
Samarian Ministry       4:1-42
Galilean Ministry        
John’s Question 11:2-19 6:24-29 3:19-20  
Disciples 4:18-22 2:13-14 5:1-11  
  10:1-11:1 1:14-20 5:27-32  
    3:13-19 6:12-16  
Teachings 5:1-7:29 2:15-28 4:14-32 5:10-47
  13:1-52 4:1-41 5:33-6:11  
Miracles 8:1-9:38 1:21-2:12 4:33-44 4:46-5:9
  12:15-21 3:1-12 5:12-26  
Opposition 11:20-30 3:20-25   5:10-47
  12:1-14 6:1-6    
Changes in Ministry 12:46-12:50 6:7-13 9:1-27  
Death of John the Baptist 14:1-12 6:14-23 (9:7-9)  
Training the Apostles        
Withdrawal with them 15:21-39     6:1-3
Focus on them 16:21-16:28 6:30-9:1 9:37-52 6:4-7:1
Judean Ministry        
Opposition     11:14-54 7:2-8:11
Teachings     10:1-12:59 8:12-10:18
Perean Ministry        
Notable Events 14:13-15:20 6:14-29   10:22-42
Transfiguration 17:1-13 9:2-13 (9:28-36)  
Notable Miracles     17:11-21 11:1-44
Notable Teachings 17:14-20:34 10:1-52 13:1-19:28  
The Last Days        
Palm Sunday 21:1-17 11:1-11 19:29-44 12:12-50
Cursing Fig Tree 21:18-22 11:12-14    
Cleansing Temple 21:12-13 11:15-19 19:45-48  
Debates w/leaders 21:23-23:39 11:20-12:40 20:1-21:4  
Olivet Discourse 24:1-25:46 13:1-37 21:5-36  
Judas Betrays Him 26:1-16 14:10-11 22:3-6  
Wednesday -- no events        
Last Supper 26:17-29 14:12-25 22:7-20 13:1
Upper Room Discourse       13:2-14:31
To the Garden       15:1-18:1
In the Garden 26:30-46 14:26-42 22:39-46  
Betrayal 26:47-56 14:43-52 22:47-53 18:2-12
Trial of Jesus        
before Annas       18:13-24
before Caiaphas 26:57-68 14:53-65    
Peter&s Denial 26:69-75 14:66-72 22:54-64 (18:16-17)
Judas& Death 27:2-10      
before Sanhedrin 27:1 15:1-5 22:65-23:5 18:28-37
before Herod     23:6-12  
before Pilate 27:15-26 15:6-15 23:13-25 18:38-19:16
Crucifixion 27:27-56 15:16-41 23:26-49 19:17-30
Father, forgive     (23:34)  
Today, you shall     (23:43)  
Woman, behold       (19:26-27)
My God, My God (27:46) (15:34)    
I am thirsty       (19:28)
It is finished       (19:30)
Father, into Thy     (23:46)  
Burial 27:57-66 15:42-45 23:50-56 19:31-38
Resurrection Appearances        
Easter Sunday        
to Mary Magdalene 28:1-8 16:1-11 24:1-12 20:1-18
to other women 28:9-10      
to Peter     24:34  
to Emmaus Disciples   16:12-13 24:13-35  
to 10 disciples   16:14 24:36-43 20:19-25
A Week Later        
to 11 disciples       20:26-31
In Galilee        
to 7 disciples       21:1-25
to 11 disciples 28:11-20 16:15-20    
40 Days Later        
to 11 disciples     24:44-53  
Resurrection Appearances Recorded elsewhere in Scripture        
On Easter Sunday to Peter     1 Corinthians 15:5  
To 11 disciples a week later     1 Corinthians 15:5  
To 500 at one time, a week later (?)     1 Corinthians 15:6  
To James, a week later (?)     1 Corinthians 15:7  
to 11 disciples, 40 days later     Acts 1:3-12  



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