Is God All-Wise?
Job 37:16
Do you know how the clouds are balanced, Those wondrous
works of Him who is perfect in knowledge?
While a logical approach to the issue of neotheistic doctrine would investigate each of the five characteristics listed above, I really would like to start at the bottom of the list. The other four will then be considered as necessary.
The fifth point as stated above is that:
God does not possess sufficient knowledge of each individual choice of freedom. God is very wise and predicts with great accuracy how each individual will react in a given situation, but God cannot know for certain each individual outcome.
Consider all of the ramifications of this statement carefully. If God cannot know the true outcome of all situations then:
The Bible cannot be inerrant or infallible. The Bible affirms everything contained within its 66 books as being the Truth. Yet, if God cannot see all of the future, then, parts of the Bible, namely unfulfilled prophecy, cannot be absolutely certain of occurring. Those that have come true were merely correct guesses. God has been “beating the odds” because so far His guess have been correct. It is stretching the rules of logic to believe that He will be correct 100% of the time, so one or more of the remaining future prophecies must be wrong. Thus, the Bible is in error, we just don&t know what the error is.
Why is this so? Because all prophecy involves free choices. Under the Open Theology viewpoint, these free choices are conditional upon the people involved acting in the exact manner God envisions. If they must come true, then God and the Bible are infallible and the view of Open Theology is wrong. If, however, Open Theology is correct and God is merely guessing at choices, then the descriptions of God&s powers within the pages of Scripture are wrong. If you accept the Bible as infallible, then Open Theology cannot be correct.